Beech spelling Bee winners

Image of Beech spelling Bee winners

Yesterday we had our spelling bee and all children did extremely well. The words were tricky and it was fierce competition. We had 12 finalists today who all did amazingly! It was an extremely close competition. Well done to everyone.

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Jubilee celebrations day 1

Image of Jubilee celebrations day 1

We’ve had a great first day as part of our Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
This morning, we planted a Jubilee tree with the whole school and sang our special tree planting song. 
This afternoon, we completed our leg in the Spar Lancashire School Games Baton Relay. We accepted the baton from…

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Champion runner

Image of Champion runner

This weekend, Violet took part in a one mile race with 200 children under the age of 15. Running against boys and girls and some much older children, Violet came 5th out of 200. She recorded an impressive time of 5:59. Well done! What an achievement. 

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Bee visit in BEEch

Image of Bee visit in BEEch

Today we had a very special visitor. Amy from the Bee Centre came to visit us and she brought some extra special guests, honeybees! 
We had a look at the bees in the hive and Amy talked to us about how to identify a wasp and a bee. 
we learned lots of new facts. 

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Beech volcanoes

Image of Beech volcanoes

We have had great fun erupting our volcanoes. Click continue reading to see some more photos and our reactions. 

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Olive Volcanoes

Image of Olive Volcanoes

We had a great time erupting our volcanoes. Click continue reading to see more photos and our super reactions to the eruptions! 

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Elm Eruptions

Image of Elm Eruptions

We had a great time erupting volcanoes! Click continue reading to see our photos. 

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The great cookie excavation

Image of The great cookie excavation

Today we had full concentration for our cookie excavation. In science we wrote about Mary Anning, then we described some fossils. Finally we were asked to excavate the chocolate chips from chocolate chip cookies using a cocktail stick. The photos show our concentration! 


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Seriously tasty soil pots

Image of Seriously tasty soil pots

Today in science we had the best lesson! Click continue reading to see all the photos. We were learning about the different layers of soil. To help us remember the layers, we used different types of chocolate to represent the different soil layers. See if your child can remember the different…

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On Friday, the local firemen came to visit year 3 to give us a fire safety talk. We talked about why smoke alarms are so important and why it is a good reason to know your fire exit route, even in your own home. We learned how to stop, drop and roll thanks to Josh. Oscar also showed us how hard it…

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Jubilee art

Image of Jubilee art

The children have been creating Jubilee art which can be bought as a mug or tea towel. The artwork has been send home as well as the accompanying letter which details the products and prices.

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Pen licenses!

Image of Pen licenses!

Well done for achieving their own licence. They’ve both worked extremely hard and been determined to get their licence. 

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