Super gymnastics
Click to see more photos! Today in PE we carried on with our gymnastics unit and progressed by getting out more equipment. Our challenge was to create a sequence that started with a balance, then travel along the bench, climb on to the A frame and hold a balance on top. Then climb down and Perform…
Games Club week 2
We had our games club again on Tuesday and we have had some games donated so the children had some different games to play with. It’s great to see how well they play together and help each other understand the rules. Mila is giving everyone a chess lesson! If you have any unwanted games at home,…
Year 4 Science in Autumn
Year 4 children have typed up their own Science Blog about the activities they have completed during the Autumn term. Please CLICK HERE to read it, there are lots of lovely photos to see as well.
Beech class games club
This week in Beech Class we have started a new lunch time club. The children came up with some ideas of what club they would like and then we voted for our favourite. Games club was the most popular and on Tuesday we had our first session. There were lots of different board games to choose from…
Marvellous Magnets
I’m science this week, we predicted and tested whether we thought objects would be magnetic. First we chose some objects around our classroom, we wrote what material they were made from and predicted whether they would be magnetic. Then came the fun part! We used magnets to test the objects we had…
Great Gymnastics
Today we started our gymnastics unit. The children had lots of fun. First we picked out cards to tell us what animal movement to make, our partners had to guess what we were. We then practised some different balances. Finally we created a sequence of four balances using a different number of…
Drama in year 3
This term, year 3 are taking part in drama lessons. We are practising key skills and will learn a play by the end of the term.
Science Friction
Today in science we completed an investigation to find out which surface had the least friction. We had 4 surfaces to test and we Measured the distance travelled by a car down a ramp.
Year 3 Christmas party Beech
Click continue reading to see lots of photos. We had a fantastic party day today. In the morning we decorated placemats and party hats. As well as some terrific singing and dance moves in our classroom. We then had a very apraxia Christmas dinner. In the afternoon, we made some paper chains, then…
T’was the night before Christmas
Today, in English some children completed a comprehension using the poem T’was the night before Christmas. The children then practised the poem in a small group and performed it to the class. They even thought of actions too! Well done.
Dictionary Detectives
In one of our English lessons, we practised the skill of using a dictionary. First we ordered words in alphabetical order. We then used dictionaries to look up the meaning of different words and recorded their definitions in our books.
Creating shapes
Today we used playdoh to create our own 3D shapes and note down the features. Click continue reading to see more photos of us all.