Birthday celebrations in Reception
This week the children have prepared for the surprise Birthday Party for the special Teddy in their class. Oak Class celebrated Roary the Dragon’s Birthday, Blossom class celebrated Ted the Bear’s Birthday and Sycamore celebrated Eddie the Elephant’s Birthday. On the day of the birthday, each…
Beech Roman Day
We had a fantastic day for Roman Day. In the morning, we made catapults, played some Boccia and used special Lego to recreate Roman Villas. In the afternoon, we tasted different dips and completed a dip tasting sheet. We also learned Roman numerals and created some Roman mosaics. Everybody looked…
'Wild At Heart'
We go for a ‘Wild at Heart’ walk each week where we follow children’s interests and encourage children’s exploration, curiosity, appreciation and respect for living things. Over this term, the children have been learning how to ask questions about the world through using their senses and…
Toga Tying
In History, we learned about the clothes that Romans would have worn. We learned lots of different things, ask us if we can remember one of the facts!
We then learned how to tie togas and had a practise on each other. Here are photos of us tying togas.
Ribchester Beech Class
Click to see all our photos. We all had such a good time in Ribchester. We saw the man bath house ruins, we explored a very old church. We met Patrick in the museum who talked to us about the Romans and we tried on some Roman helmets and held a shield and sword. We saw the Roman granaries ruins…
Roman soldiers
In History this week, we learned about the Roman army and what the Roman soldiers wore and the weapons they may have carried. We then drew ourselves as Roman soldiers to make a testudo formation on our display board. I think we all make very good Roman soldiers. Click to see more photos.
Yoga sessions
On Wednesday we were lucky to have a special 30 minute yoga session. We had a very relaxing time and learned some new yoga poses.
Computing in year 3
In year 3 we have been learning to touch type using Purple Mash.
Skipping workshops
Today we had our skipping workshop with Gabby from Dan the Skipping Man. It was so much fun and we learned some new skills such as rodeo and crossover. Even the teachers got involved and we all got our hearts racing - skipping is hard work!
Chocotastic English
This week in English, we are learning about persuasive writing. We discussed how adverts help persuade people to buy certain things and that they use adjectives to make their product sound better than others. We then each got a different chocolate bar to look at, smell and taste and think of…
Reception - Welcome to Heyhouses!
Our new Reception children have completed their first full week at Heyhouses and have impressed us with how well they have settled in. They have made lots of new friends and have enjoyed playing together in all the different areas of the classrooms. It was a busy week but everyone had lots of…
Fantastic fencing
Today we had a taster fencing session. It was great fun and we learned some new skills and vocabulary.