There's no place like home.

Image of There's no place like home.

As part of our topic, All About Me, Ash Class drew these wonderfully, colourful pictures of our home town. We carefully sketched out the design of our home town before bringing it to life with rainbow colours. We thought that rainbow colours were sy,molic as they show how happy we all feel being…

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Year Six Remember

Image of Year Six Remember

Year Six have created beautiful Remembrance crosses.

On 11th November we remembered those who fought for our country in times of conflict.

We Will Remember Them.

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Year Six Class Reading

Image of Year Six Class Reading

This year we have bought lots of new reading books for the Junior classes.

Each child will read 6 or 7 books with their class.

They will each have a copy of the book to follow as the teacher reads or even to read out loud to their class.

Here are the Year Six titles.

Please see the…

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Year 6 have been drawing whacky portraits of themselves using the Zentangle drawing technique to stylise their individual features.

Zentangle is an American method for drawing. It promotes concentration and creativity and at the same time increases personal well-being. Zentangle was invented by…

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Hazel Class - Children in Need

Image of Hazel Class - Children in Need

We celebrated Children in Need Day with some spotty accessories!

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Cedar Class - Children in Need

Image of Cedar Class - Children in Need

We added some spotty embellishments to our P.E. kits and raised money for a very worthy cause. 

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Year 6 are very proud of their hometown.

 They drew fabulously detailed drawings of their town and then wrote some touching poems to go with them.  

They are a talented bunch!  More of this wonderful work can be found displayed with pride in the Year 6 classrooms.

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Year 6 are Merello Mad!

Image of Year 6 are Merello Mad!

Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their Art topic based on the Spanish artist Jose Manuel Merello. 

Jose Merello was born in Madrid, Spain in 1960.  He taught himself how to paint and was influenced by Picasso, Miro and Matisse.  His painting style is very abstract and has a distinctly…

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Ash Class - Children in Need

Image of Ash Class - Children in Need

On Children in Need day we raised money by wearing spotty accessories with our P.E. kit

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Betsy Bear's Birthday

Image of Betsy Bear's Birthday

We found a bear called Betsy when we went on a Bear Hunt. When we found out it was her Birthday, we decided to plan a surprise party for her. We put our heads together to make a lists of things to do, we created cards and presents for Betsy and we made jelly and cake to share. Here we are enjoying…

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Keeping healthy in Year 3

Image of Keeping healthy in Year 3

This week, we’ve been learning about different things that keep us healthy. In PSHE we learned that sleep is good to keep our minds healthy. We found out that a year 3 child needs about 10 hours sleep a night and we discussed our bed time routines. 
min Science, we are learning about the healthy…

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Eddie Elephant's Birthday Party

Image of Eddie Elephant's Birthday Party

Oak class had a great time celebrating Eddie Elephant's 5th birthday party! We gave the birthday boy cards and presents that we had made and sang happy birthday to him. We played party games, including musical statues, the blanket game and pass the parcel. We had a great time dancing! we also had…

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