Christmas in Birch
Birch Class have enjoyed designing our own stickman following an exploration of the story. We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party and are feeling very festive!
Birch Victorian Day
Birch enjoyed Victorian Day. We used chalk boards, did Victorian dancing, made peg dolls and played with toys from the past. We hope you enjoy looking at these photographs of the day!
Year 3 Christmas party Beech
Click continue reading to see lots of photos. We had a fantastic party day today. In the morning we decorated placemats and party hats. As well as some terrific singing and dance moves in our classroom. We then had a very apraxia Christmas dinner. In the afternoon, we made some paper chains, then…
T’was the night before Christmas
Today, in English some children completed a comprehension using the poem T’was the night before Christmas. The children then practised the poem in a small group and performed it to the class. They even thought of actions too! Well done.
Dictionary Detectives
In one of our English lessons, we practised the skill of using a dictionary. First we ordered words in alphabetical order. We then used dictionaries to look up the meaning of different words and recorded their definitions in our books.
The Night Before Christmas
Year Six writers listen to the poem 'The Night Before Christmas' - then imagine their own magical encounter with Santa Claus!
Hazel Class On Christmas Jumper Day
It's that time of year again........ Christmas jumpers, hats and headbands.... and our Elf Dance around the school grounds.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Year 6 Children Zoom Children in Nigeria!
Today Year 6 children from across all three classes zoomed children in Nigeria. Both sets of children were very excited to see each other and there was lots of waving and clapping.
Our Year 6 children got to see the Nigerian children's classroom which was very different to ours. There were…
Hazel Class Prefects
Today, children from Hazel Class received their prefects badges from Mrs. Hodgson.
Well done Hazel prefects!
Creating shapes
Today we used playdoh to create our own 3D shapes and note down the features. Click continue reading to see more photos of us all.