Champion runner

Image of Champion runner

This weekend, Violet took part in a one mile race with 200 children under the age of 15. Running against boys and girls and some much older children, Violet came 5th out of 200. She recorded an impressive time of 5:59. Well done! What an achievement. 

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Bee visit in BEEch

Image of Bee visit in BEEch

Today we had a very special visitor. Amy from the Bee Centre came to visit us and she brought some extra special guests, honeybees! 
We had a look at the bees in the hive and Amy talked to us about how to identify a wasp and a bee. 
we learned lots of new facts. 

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Year Six Team Building

Image of Year Six Team Building

Year Six have enjoyed a Health and Well-being morning.

The photo shows the children after their team building and communication session with Lee.

There was also a Healthy Heads session - learning  about how our brains can help us in various tricky situations.

They also had a yoga session…

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Beech volcanoes

Image of Beech volcanoes

We have had great fun erupting our volcanoes. Click continue reading to see some more photos and our reactions. 

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Olive Volcanoes

Image of Olive Volcanoes

We had a great time erupting our volcanoes. Click continue reading to see more photos and our super reactions to the eruptions! 

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Elm Eruptions

Image of Elm Eruptions

We had a great time erupting volcanoes! Click continue reading to see our photos. 

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Reception Superheroes

Image of Reception Superheroes

Reception have had a wonderful day being Superheroes. We all came to school wearing our fantastic costumes and had great fun doing lots of superhero training. Some of us even made some amazing superhero vehicles and brought them to school to show everyone. We rescued the Easter Bunny who had been…

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Apple Class WWII Class Museum

Image of Apple Class WWII Class Museum

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Chairs On Strike!

Image of Chairs On Strike!

This morning the chairs went on strike! They quit! The children received a letter from the chairs explaining why they have quit and what can be done to get them back. 

The children used their persuasive skills to get the chairs back!  


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Spruce Class World War Two Museum

Image of Spruce Class World War Two Museum

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The great cookie excavation

Image of The great cookie excavation

Today we had full concentration for our cookie excavation. In science we wrote about Mary Anning, then we described some fossils. Finally we were asked to excavate the chocolate chips from chocolate chip cookies using a cocktail stick. The photos show our concentration! 


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Year Six had an amazing time on their residential adventure holiday.

They tackled abseiling, an aerial trek, a trapeze, caving, team building, archery, orienteering, a mini Olympics and the disco.

Many were surprised at how good the food was and how big their rooms were.

All in all, it…

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