Maths Calculation Policies
Maths Yearly Overviews
Maths Progression Maps
Mathematics Glossary
At Heyhouses we aim to provide an exciting maths mastery approach to learning. Our aim is to challenge all pupils, and it is built on the belief that EVERYONE can learn maths successfully.
What is Power Maths?
In order to achieve this aim we use Power Maths to structure our teaching and learning. Power Maths is a resource that has been designed for UK schools based on research and extensive experience of teaching and learning around the world and here in the UK.
How does this support our approach to teaching?
The philosophy behind Power Maths is that being successful in maths is not just about rote-learning procedures and methods, but is instead about problem solving, thinking and discussing. Many people feel they were taught maths in a way that was about memorising formulas and calculation methods, then having to apply them without any real understanding of what or how these methods actually work. Power Maths includes practice questions to help children develop fluent recall and develop their conceptual understanding. Power Maths uses growth mindset characters to prompt, encourage and question children. They spark curiosity, engage reasoning, secure understanding and deepen learning for all.
How will the lessons work?
Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.
For further details and examples please see the guide below or watch the video attached, which takes you through the structure of a maths lesson: